About me

Meet the founder

Hi! I'm Kim, a 26-year-old based in Denver, Colorado.

A little bit about me: I grew up in Los Angeles, attended college at UC Berkeley, and decided to move to Denver, Colorado shortly after Covid-19 hit to support my grandma as a full-time caretaker.

In Denver, with extra time at hand, I decided to revamp my college-aged blog. Since then, it's evolved into a part-time business, keeping me busy on a weekly basis.

With the help of my community, I write weekly articles about whatever comes to mind in the realm of beauty, fashion, food and home, faith, wellness, and travel.

My ultimate goal with Kim Collective is to inspire women to live happier, healthier, and more connected lives. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a regular, I'm so grateful for your support!

For all the latest articles, visit my blog. If you're interested in being paid to contribute an article, please contact me. I'd love to hear what your next article idea is for my blog.

Quote of the day

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." ––Norman Vincent Peale

Stop and smell the roses

Tiny things to commit to daily for your well-being


Read at least one hour per day. The benefits get bigger and better when you make learning a daily habit!


Take at least 30 minutes to enjoy each meal. Don't rush your way through.


Unplug! Get offline as much as you can. Go on a bike ride, a walk, or a jog. Find time to pray to God.


Nurture your artistic side. We're all kids at heart. Are you having fun?

All About

Museums, nature walks, campfire talks, serendipitous moments, balanced nutrition, and sustainable fashion.

Not About

Artificial plants, fast fashion, hustle culture, skimping on quality, and shallow conversations.

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The book nook

Next year, we're starting a book club! Stay tuned for updates on what we'll be reading.

The latest on kim collective

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the book nook