The Importance of Biblical Community

Written By

Kim Chwalek

Food & Home
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I'm a 26-year old girl based in Denver, Colorado. Kim Collective is a space where I share about beauty, faith, food & home, style, travel, well-being, and everything in between. Thanks for stopping by!

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As a 25-year old woman, I didn’t always have biblical community. It used to be something I didn’t think I needed. I had God, and our relationship, so why stress over the rest? People can be complicated! Plus, it can be scary to put yourself out there. There’s uncertainty when you’re trying something new or attempting to forge new friendships.

Well, I’ve realized in the past year that we’re all designed for community. It’s not only something we want, it’s something we need to strengthen our spirit, and in turn, our relationship with God. In biblical community, we’re able to come together, share our daily lives, and worship in ways we can’t alone, whether that’s singing, sharing our testimonies, or praying for each other.

One cliché that we all know is “We’re stronger together.” Well, is it cliché if it’s true? As you know, you won’t always be a pinnacle of strength. Sometimes, we have to lean on our friends (and our faith). To strengthen our walk, we truly do need each other, especially since we’re all messy, imperfect people.

What is Biblical Community?

Biblical community is a place where people can come together, support each other, and mature in their faith. This type of community helps us better serve others by aligning ourselves with God. To dive in deeper to this concept, let’s take a look at Acts 2:42–47:

The Fellowship of the Believers

Acts 2:42–47

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”


On Biblical Community

What a passage! There’s so much to break down here on what biblical community looks like. As we reflect on these lessons from Acts, let’s try to draw inspiration from the early church’s fellowship. Here are the five main lessons on biblical community in this passage:


1. Devote yourself to fellowship: Commit to building and nurturing meaningful relationships with fellow believers. When you dedicate time and effort to connect with others in faith, you in turn, strengthen your own. This is important because you won’t always be perfect! You’ll need others to help pick you up.

2. Share food and pray: Breaking bread together is more than just a meal; it’s a symbol of unity. Plus, we all love to eat, don’t we? The simple act of sharing our stories and praying for each other at the dinner table can help us open our hearts to one another.

3. Give generously: Generosity is more than sharing your material possessions. It can involve giving your time, compassion, and support to people who need your help. Whichever way you choose to give, you’re making an active difference in someone’s life. God is so proud of us when we share more of ourselves with others!

4. Meet consistently: Which do you think is more important for community: quantity of time or quality of time? Well, my answer is both. Consistency is vital for maintaining a strong community. Likewise, deepening our relationships truly allows us to learn more about one another, and in turn, help one another. Stay dedicated to each other and to God.

5. Praise God together: Celebrating and worshiping together is key to biblical community. By sharing our faith, we are able to thank God for all of his gifts, and effectively live out His will on Earth.



How to Find Biblical Community

Recently, I joined a Bible Study, where I get together with Christians to eat dinner, study the Bible, and share tidbits about our lives. Meeting consistently and having quality conversations deeply nourishes my soul. I’m so grateful to be in a biblical community where I’m surrounded by believers who are always working on their relationship with God. For those who are trying to find biblical community, here are several ideas for you:

The Six Steps

1. Join a Church: This is step #1. When you attend services regularly and explore the various groups the church offers, you are more likely to connect with like-minded individuals.

2. Attend Church Events: Don’t be afraid to go to church events, workshops, and retreats. These gatherings help you meet fellow believers.

3. Look for a Community Bible Study: This is my personal favorite! Seek out an age-appropriate Bible Study group, so you can study the Bible and share the unique challenges or accomplishments in your own life. A community Bible study group is such a fun way to meet people your own age, who are likely going through similar things as you.

4. Volunteer at Christian Organizations: Offer your time to Christian organizations or charities. Volunteering helps you connect with others who share your values, while also serving a higher purpose.

5. Invite Your Christian Friends Over to Dinner: Host gatherings at your home, whether they’re Bible studies or casual get-togethers.

6. Be Open About Your Faith: In your daily interactions, be open about your faith and values. This can lead to organic conversations and connections with others who share your beliefs.



Remember, finding biblical community is about building meaningful relationships with people who support your faith. It often takes time, patience, and a willingness to step out of your comfort zone. However, it’s incredibly rewarding! Fellowship with God is the foundation for fellowship with one another.

How has biblical community changed your life for the better? Let me know in the comments section below.

Love, Kim

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