24 New Year’s Resolutions for 2024

Written By

Kim Chwalek

Food & Home
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I'm a 26-year old girl based in Denver, Colorado. Kim Collective is a space where I share about beauty, faith, food & home, style, travel, well-being, and everything in between. Thanks for stopping by!

Hi, I'm Kim


Today, I’ve been reflecting on what I learned in 2023 and my goals for 2024. I decided to put together a list of my 24 New Year’s Resolutions, separated by category for convenience: career, creativity, faith, home, health and wellness, personal development, love and family, and travel. Wish me luck in accomplishing all I set out to do this year! I hope all of your dreams for 2024 come true, too!



New Year’s Resolutions for 2024


1. Finish the rough draft of The 15

Did you know that I’m working on a young adult dystopian fiction book? My book has been in the works for a couple of years, but I’ve yet to finish the first draft. I’m hoping that 2024 is the year the book will start to come together.


2. Kickstart plans for Serendipity Meadows

In 2023, my neighbors and I discussed plans to start a kid’s summer camp, where 7 to 12-year-olds can ride horses, do arts and crafts, and hike all over the Rocky Mountains. We’re hoping to turn this dream into a reality with a bit more planning. We’ll likely kickstart our ideas in the summer.


3. Hit 100,000 unique visitors on Kim Collective in a month

In September 2023, I re-started my blog to document more of my day-to-day life in Littleton, Colorado. Next year, I’m taking my content goals even further! There are dozens more articles, contributors, and perspectives coming your way. Hopefully, these articles will elevate KC’s viewer count, so I can dedicate time to a weekly newsletter and YouTube channel.



4. Get back into painting

I used to love painting as a kid. Somehow, I’ve lost time and energy to pour into my artistic side. Maybe, it was years of school, corporate burnout, or a lack of consistency. But regardless, I want to reclaim this part of myself by painting at least once a week in a dedicated notebook. This notebook will feature written highlights of my week next to my artwork, so I can look back at my year.




5. Write poetry for fun

Why not? I can’t say I’m a poet, but I’d like to be. This goal goes hand-in-hand with my painting goal. I’ll add tidbits of poetry beside my artwork for context.



6. Read my Bible once a day

There are so many chapters in the Bible I haven’t read yet. I need to make it a priority to read scripture before bed, even if only for five or ten minutes. These small practices keep me spiritually centered for days. This practice also helps me share my faith-based reflections with you.


7. Write a letter to God once a day

God listens! I often forget that. What’s worse: I often forget to talk to Him. When I make my relationship with God a priority, I give myself an incredible outlet where I can pour my heart and soul out.



8. Create a home garden

I’ve always liked the idea of growing my own food. Being self-sufficient (food-wise) during the summer months at Serendipity Ranch would be awesome! In 2024, I’m going to make this dream happen by building a greenhouse. There’s going to be a lot of vegetables to harvest: carrots, tomatoes, kale, and the like. I’m aiming to get started around May or June 2024.


9. Get the ranch organized

I live with my Grandma Jean, who’s accumulated a whole lot of stuff over her lifetime. My goal is to help her sift, sort, and organize the boxes, so we can feel more peaceful and calm in our home environment. I’m praying this will happen quickly and seamlessly. Organizing can be stressful!


Health & Wellness

10. Drink a green smoothie 5x a week

My friend introduced me to AG1 Green Powder, a daily Foundational Nutrition supplement that supports whole-body health. I’ve loved adding it to my green smoothie every morning. I want to keep this habit up because it makes a huge difference in my mood and energy levels!


11. Try mountain biking

I’ll be purchasing my first mountain bike in the spring, and then I’m hoping to hit the trails. There’s a lot to explore in Colorado.


12. Walk 7,500 steps a day

I know 10,000 is often recommended, but realistically, it’s not going to happen. I need to start smaller. 7,500 will keep me healthy and that’s what I care about. The Fitbit Luxe-Fitness and Wellness-Tracker is a great way for me to track and tackle this goal.


13. Get Invisalign

My bottom teeth have shifted a lot, so I’m hoping I can fix them in 2024.


14. Read at least 1 book per month

I already have a Scribd account that I barely use! There’s no excuse to not read. I’m going to push myself to disconnect from my phone, get reading, and record all of the books I read on Goodreads, so I can hold myself accountable for my progress.


15. Keep my iPhone screen time down to 2.5 hours

Wow, this will be hard. I’m addicted to my phone, and I know it has such an adverse effect on my life. My entire generation is wasting away our lives on our devices. I want to be present and remember the small, insignificant, and mundane details of my life, instead of drowning them out with dopamine hits. I know this will be a challenge, though.


Personal Development

16. Be kinder to myself

I can be so hard on myself. I have all sorts of unrealistic expectations of what I need to achieve and how I need to get there. It’s important to cut myself slack when my ambitions fall short. It’s great to be self-motivated, but at what cost? Treating myself gently, and with unconditional love, will prevent my emotions from see-sawing at every minor obstacle or missed opportunity.


17. Cultivate confidence

Fear holds me back. Sometimes, I hold back from starting or finishing projects because I know I won’t be “good enough.” My relationships also suffer when my insecurities get in the way. I want to lean on myself more and have the confidence to tackle life’s challenges without the fear of falling flat on my face.


18. Try the Gratitude Challenge

Gratitude changes your life. It’s all too easy to build a life where you’re always chasing the next best thing instead of enjoying the present moment.


Love & Family

19. Get a dog!

For years, I’ve wanted a dog, and in 2024, I’m finally making it happen. I can’t wait to welcome a pup to Serendipity Ranch. Right now, I’m leaning toward a Labrador or an Australian Shepherd, but I’ll see what happens. I will be shelter shopping first, so I may end up with a mutt.


20. Start dating again

I may be looking for a man, in addition to a dog! I’m hoping 2024 will bring luck to the love department. In 2023, I spent a lot of time acclimating to my new life in Littleton, Colorado. I have a feeling I’ll be ready to step out in 2024 and meet someone special.


21. Stay close to my family

Family is everything to me, but we all live at a distance now: my parents live in Los Angeles, my sister lives in Washington D.C., and I’m smack-dab in the middle. In 2024, I want to make visiting both coasts a priority.


22. Have fun with my Grandma

My 86-year-old Grandma Jean is aging and I want to soak up all of her wisdom while I can. Hopefully, we can have some fun in 2024 by going to more museums, movies, and so on.



23. Consider a road trip to Florida

My best friend just moved to Florida, and I want to visit her. Perhaps, a road trip is in the cards? I’ll have to Facetime her to make a plan.


24. Plan an international trip

I’m not sure where I’ll go yet, but I’ve got a few ideas on my list: Japan, Norway, and New Zealand. Hopefully, I can line up my travels with my family, so we can enjoy a trip together.


Do any of these sound familiar? Let me know your New Year’s Resolutions for 2024. I hope all of them come true for you!

Love, Kim

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