Losing Faith? Fight Back.

Written By

Kim Chwalek

Food & Home
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I'm a 26-year old girl based in Denver, Colorado. Kim Collective is a space where I share about beauty, faith, food & home, style, travel, well-being, and everything in between. Thanks for stopping by!

Hi, I'm Kim


To begin with, it would be wise to look up the definition of faith. Faith is more than an action. It’s a way of life. To lose one’s faith is to lose one’s connection with God. And when that happens, you must not lose heart. Fight back by pursuing God harder.

Per the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

/fāth/ noun

  • Belief and trust in and loyalty to God
  • Complete trust or confidence in someone or something
  • Something that is believed especially with strong conviction

In this article, I’ll dive into the reasons that may compel you to lose faith. Then, I will review ways that you can win your faith back, using quality time with your Heavenly Father as your greatest weapon against distance and distress.


Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

Psalm 37:3–5



What is happening when people lose faith?

Typically, people lose faith when they no longer see the benefit of something. In this case, that something is their relationship with God. People undergo many trials on Earth. The hurt, pain, and trauma from other human beings can often lead people to close off their own hearts in order to protect themselves. In many cases, people believe that certain things (i.e. money, beauty, relationships, power, gluttony) will ease their pain. Of course, that is not the case.

Unfortunately, the things that we want is not always in line with what’s best for us. With children, we know better than to feed them candy at every meal, despite their insistence on it. We know it will make them feel sick, it won’t support their growth, and it can lead to early-onset diseases in the body. Similarly as adults, there may be things we want, but are not wise to have. Things that will spiritually, emotionally, and physically handicap us, leaving us worse off than we were before.

When you’re starting to lose faith, it’s important to analyze what you’re looking for in the first place. Is it true connection with God? Or are you using God to accomplish your own will on Earth? In this case, you may be interested in a strong relationship with God. But instead, you may have a strong relationship with yourself and your own desires.

Through my relationship with God, I have seen that my idea of what I want is not always the best thing for me. When I have trusted God and waited in His timing for his plan to unfold, I have been astonished at the joy and the richness and the depth of the reward, whether that be waiting for the right relationship, choosing to move on from an uncomfortable job, or putting myself out there to find community.

By the way, these are all real examples in my own life. When I first began to listen to God, He led me to end a relationship, quit my job, and move to a new state, where I’d find beautiful community. If I had listened to myself in each of these examples, I would be with the wrong person, in the wrong workplace, and without the support I needed in my current season of life. My own social anxiety, work-related fears, or idea of the type of people I’d be compatible with would hold me back.

Luckily, with God, He doesn’t let that happen. That is, if you consider His perspective.



If you’re searching and you’re not hearing.

If the previous doesn’t apply to you, and you are seeking God‘s guidance in each of your decisions, you may be experiencing a sense of weariness.

God knows this emotion very well. He does not fault you for the hardship you’ve experienced. He understands the unique pain of living life on Earth and all of its messiness. And He is here for you even if you are not asking him to be. God loves you. If your faith is due to fatigue, due to human causes, or due to people around you who have put you down repeatedly, then it is understandable that you are having trouble accessing your faith. When we are most hurt, it can be hardest to hear God. But at the same time, it is when God is closest to us. At this point, it is important to show up to God as you are.

Be honest. Be truthful about your hurts. Ask God to heal them and to lift the burden from you. He will not judge your hurt. Bearing this hurt alone will only continue to hurt you.


God is close to the brokenhearted.

Psalm 34:18

Via Pinterest


God loves you!

I feel the need to make this its own paragraph. God does not operate in fear, obligation, or guilt. He operates in truth, grace, and love. If your faith is faltering, give God all the messiness of your heart. Ask Him to show you His providence (i.e. His protective care) in your life. He will be there for you. Please, if you hear His gentle nudge, encouraging you to walk in a specific direction, follow that nudge. It may be the best thing that’s ever happened to you.

God gives us free will on Earth. He does not control you nor will He stop you from making decisions that hurt you. But if you take an interest in His perspective, He will show you what’s best for you. He will be the guard rails of your life, preventing you from experiencing future pain, akin to the type you may be currently experiencing.


My unfailing love for you will not be shaken.

Isaiah 54:10



Fight back to win your faith

God doesn’t want you to lose your faith. God is there to fight back with you. You are His child, who is so beautiful and interesting and unique in His eyes. To lose you is not in His agenda. I encourage you to fight back by choosing to spend more time with God without having an agenda on what that time will look like.

You can talk to God on the toilet, at the workplace lunch room, or in your head when you’re with people that are difficult. You can talk to Him anytime, anywhere, and in any tone or cadence or way that’s suitable to you. You can sing to God. You can interpretively dance for God if that’s a way for you to show your emotion. The point is, you’re rekindling your relationship.


When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

Psalm 56:3


Via Pinterest


Spending time with God

Your best friend in the world is often the person you can spend time with without saying the word. Can the same not be said of God?

Spending time with God does not necessarily mean talking to God. Of course, that may be your preferred and main way to have relationship with Him, but we can also consciously bring Him into our day-to-day life.

You can do art that symbolically shows your love for God. You can go on a walk and marvel God‘s creation with quiet wonder. You can look up at the stars and know that He fashioned them just for you. You can cook a meal with love with the intention of sharing it with those closest to you, thus embodying God’s love to others.

God wants relationship with you. A relationship consists of many different things, and can appear in many different ways. Two animals playing together shows a relationship. Two toddlers laughing together shows a relationship. Two people grieving together shows a relationship.

Do not set limits on your relationship. We all know honesty is policy, and God understands that principle above all. We often have to be honest with ourselves and with God for things to ever get better.


Jesus got up early in the morning to pray in a solitary place.

Mark 1:35



God works through other people

Depending on where you’re at, you may or may not want to share the struggle you’re facing in your faith. If you can find someone trustworthy, who will listen to you non-judgmentally, who will be your shoulder to cry on, and who can be your source of strength when you lack it, confide in that person. Ask them to pray for you.

It is important to be mindful who we tell of our struggles. There are people who will not understand, and who will make you feel more isolated, shamed, or down and out about your situation. I can promise you, God does not want those emotions to be a part of your healing journey with Him.


Who is God?

God is a God of Love.

He is a God that renews.

He is a God that forgives.

He is a God that delights in us.

He is a God that wants good things for us.

He is a God who wishes no human to hurt you.

He is a God who wishes to help you.


Via Pinterest


Trust Him above all else. Seek Him and he will find you. And by that, I mean He will find you in your present circumstance, and He will meet you where you’re at without judgment. The worst thing you can do in any relationship is to cease communication. When communication is cut, it often signifies the end of a relationship, or a significant emotional hurdle to overcome, that’s often accompanied with significant pain. It is better to talk through the hard times with God than to not talk at all.

He waits for you. And He knows you, inside and out. Please, fight for your faith by continuing to talk to Him.

Love, Kim

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